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Managing Insomnia Through Professional Help 

Tossing and turning and just watching the hours tick by? Your insomnia has already become an exhausting and frustrating experience. If you struggle with sleeplessness night after night, seeking professional help through mental health care in Catonsvi...

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Suicidal Tendencies: Warning Signs and Seeking Help

Life can make us feel a rollercoaster of emotions. And at times, it can already feel overwhelming.  If you, a loved one, or someone you know experiences thoughts of self-harm or suicide, know that no one’s alone in this battle. It’s ...

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Everyday Strategies for Overcoming Social Phobias

When managing social phobias, you’re not alone, especially when looking for mental health care in Catonsville, Maryland. Social phobias can feel overwhelming, but remember—they’re a common condition many struggles with. Our expert ...

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Understanding and Conquering General Anxiety Disorder

As a psychiatric treatment in Maryland, we understand the impacts of General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) on individuals’ lives. GAD is a common but serious mental health condition characterized by persistent and excessive worry about various aspec...

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female psychiatrist smiling
female psychiatrist and female patient talking